Welcome to the 2019 CIGRE Canada Virtual Conference & Expo

On behalf of the members of the CIGRE Canada committee and Hydro-Québec, I would like to officially welcome you to the 14th Annual CIGRE Canada Virtual Conference on Power Systems. Hydro-Québec is proud to host this important event, which will bring together many major players in the energy sector. From September 16 to 19, business leaders, manufacturers, engineers, regulators and academics will come to Montréal to discuss the latest technical and technological breakthroughs as well as major trends in the power industry.

In recent years, Montréal has garnered a reputation for being a high-tech centre of excellence and an innovation hub, becoming in the process a global leader in artificial intelligence. The theme of this year's conference could therefore not be more appropriate: Innovation at the heart of power grid transformation.

Innovation must be a top priority given that all aspects of tomorrow's power grid will incorporate digital technologies, enabling interactive features that promote customer participation. Regardless of your role in the industry, I am sure you share my conviction that the effects of this changing reality are already being felt. This shift pushes us to question our methods, review our current paradigms and rethink our strategies. However, in spite of the very real business challenges resulting from the transformation of our industry, I personally see a remarkable opportunity to draw on our expertise and demonstrate creativity through innovation.

Therefore, in the era of transportation electrification, digital transformation and home automation, it is the ideal time to meet and share our knowledge, know-how and innovative practices in order to ensure that the power grid evolves and adapts to the reality of tomorrow. The 2019 CIGRE Canada Virtual Conference will provide a unique forum for enriching discussions and new ideas, where you will have the opportunity to learn from your peers on topics of interest including efficient electrification, customer empowerment, asset management and the smart power grid.

I also sincerely hope that you will be able to discover all that Montréal has to offer or perhaps get reacquainted with our cosmopolitan city whose European charm and North American enthusiasm have made it world renowned. When you're not at the conference, I encourage you to discover our local culture by visiting the city's various neighbourhoods and their many shops, art galleries, museums and restaurants.

I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours truly,

Marc Boucher, President, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Marc Boucher
President, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Preliminary Program
