Technical Tour
ATCO Newell Converter Station
October 31, 2022
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Located in Brooks, Alberta, the ATCO Newell 500KV HVDC Converter Station sits at the south end of the Eastern Alberta Transmission Line (EATL). Newell has a 1,000MW capacity and converts power from AC to DC, providing reliable transmission for the Alberta grid. Tour participants will get to view the station, particularly the valve hall, DC & AC yards and associated equipment, converter transformers, and 2 STATCOMs.
Note: Tour participants are required to wear closed toe shoes (no sandals or high heels); PPE will not be required. Parts of the tour may take place on higher floors of the facility; tour is not recommended for those with fear of heights.
ENMAX Shepard Energy Centre
October 31, 2022
1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Join us for a guided walking tour of Alberta's largest natural gas-fuelled power generating facility. Located on a 60-acre site east of Calgary, the Enmax Shepard Energy Centre uses combined-cycle technology, two natural gas-fuelled turbines and one steam turbine provide more than 860 megawatts (MW) of electricity to the provincial grid - enough to meet almost half of Calgary's current needs.
Note: Tour participants are required to complete the visitor/safety training orientation video prior to arrival on site and will be prompted to complete this upon registration. Once complete, a certificate will be generated; please bring this certificate with you (printed or electronic), as you will need to present it on-site. All visitors are required to wear closed toe shoes (no sandals or high heels) and will be provided PPE on site. Parts of the tour may take place on higher floors of the facility; tour is not recommended for those with fear of heights.